When planning to remodel your home, you’re likely thinking: how will this impact day-to-day activities in the house? Kitchens and bathroom renovations especially can cause disruptions to home life, but there are ways to work around it. Here are a few tips on comfortably living in your home during a remodel:
Set up temporary rooms
If your kitchen is being remodeled, for example, you’ll need to create a temporary one. If you don’t want to be stuck eating takeout every day, plan well in advance. Coolers and mini fridges can be a real lifesaver! If you’re renovating your bedroom, make sure you have everything you need for the length of the project and set yourself up in another room.
Communicate with your contractor
Talk with your contractor about renovation details. Will the room be completely off-limits, or is it useable throughout the day? They’ll understand that you can’t put your life on hold for the project, so you can discuss your schedule with them and what concerns you have.
Make safe spaces for kids
If you have young kids, they may not understand why some rooms are off-limits. You may not be able to keep an eye on them constantly, so set up rooms that are safe for them to play in. Your contractor can block off access to rooms under construction, so just let them know about your needs ahead of time.
Consider your pets’ needs
Many pets aren’t fans of loud noises, and with limited room to play, it’s a good idea to have a family member or neighbor take care of them during the project. If your pet does okay with construction sounds and you’d like to keep them in the house, make sure they can’t get to any rooms that aren’t safe for them.
Have dust barriers
Especially for those with allergies or respiratory issues, the dust and debris from remodeling can create health problems. Talk with your contractor about their containment procedures, such as setting up temporary walls and covering vents in the room to prevent debris from getting into the ventilation system.
One important thing to remember when living in your home during a remodel: it’s all temporary. Our builders know the importance of communication and do what they can to minimize disruptions, and we can discuss ideas and solutions when planning the remodel. Kane Builders is customer-centered, so your satisfaction and comfort is our top priority!
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